Sunday, 17 April 2016

Whats difficult in Creative Multimedia Programming

Not everybody will pick up coding,3D or other subjects that easily.

Everybody starts at the same level and the learning curve is steep to being with.
Some people find it longer than others to get to grips with the subjects and getting back into a classroom setting.
But with the help of the Lecturers and the saintly Learning Support Unit you will find help if needed.

I personally found PHP coding hard but if you put the time into it. It will start to come together.

Most of the students have already experienced the real world with a mixture of mature students and adults looking for a change in career.

A broad spectrum of people are part of our class from teachers, security personal, artists, marketing professionals, musicians , social care workers, and construction personnel.

Everybody in the class helps each other out at some point in the class.

This course is for everyone that would like a change in career.
To progress in life we constantly have to keep updating our life skills or we wont go any where exciting.

A little help from  Classmates and Lecturers 

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